Well this personal mystery-of-capone's-vault caper is officially over. I found a capable person at a photo studio in town who had a compatible driver and a DV-to-USB fire wire that connected to my kid's camera output.
In short, I now have access to my photos from the greatest football game I've ever seeen.
If you were reading this blog last fall, you'll recall my post on the Michigan high school regional final between Lake Orion and Sterling Heights Stevenson. (If you weren't you can access it through the archive on the left.) I had left my camera at home but I didn't want to miss what I felt was Lake Orion's best-ever chance to reach the state semis (they had lost in this round the last two seasons). So I happened upon my son's old outdated three-point-two-megapixel digital camera in the back of my Xterra. Even he has moved on to a more advanced camera!
Anyways I had enough batteries for the job, but the card only held 30 or so pics. That plus the camera's limited ability to capture images at night virtually guaranteed my effort wouldn't be Pulitzer-worthy. But who knew what I would end up capturing.
So here they are. The first photo is of "The Kick": Jeff Heath's miraculous last-second 49-yard field goal that won it.

The next few here are basically just post-game mayhem, as we ran onto the field and joined in the impromptu celebration.

That's Heath proudly holding the Michigan Region 1 Championship trophy. The look on his face is priceless.
I was lucky enough to be a part of Coach Bell's post-game speech, and even luckier to have captured it.
And the last two pics here? In all the excitement I momentarily forgot that I'm just a peon with no authority to be there or do anything I was doing. But I commandeered the team to pose with the trophy in front of the scoreboard for me, which still showed the improbable final score.
The second shot doesn't happen to have the scoreboard in it, but it's the best of all the team shots I took, with the most kids frame.
So embrace the wonder of technology with me, and enjoy!
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